is a graphic designer with passion for perfection, cleverness, and creativity.
During his undergraduate experience, he became passionate about how others were being treated by social systems. He carried that passion through to his artistic career with 'artivism' projects like ChalkingVegan.
He received an Honours BA in Criminology and Sociology at the University of Toronto, where he often found himself staying up late nights creating digital artwork. It was one of those things where the hours would pass, and he would never grow tired of it. During his travels in 2015, he met a group of full-time designers who inspired him to eventually explore a career in design. Within his career, he has learned to compile and apply user statistics, handle tight deadlines in a timely manner, and work collaboratively with others throughout a design process.
His freelance currently acts as a channel open to all facets of the design world, bringing creative concepts to life using a mix of tools and mediums.